Dumpster Fire: What Went Wrong with California Cannabis?

Cannabis is supposed to be relaxing and fun. What’s not to like about giggles, munchies, and a brief break from the mundane?
Spread the Goudness
Cannabis is supposed to be relaxing and fun. What’s not to like about giggles, munchies, and a brief break from the mundane?
Project CBD recently reported on studies indicating that cannabis terpenes — the compounds that give the plant its robust and distinctive smell
Biblical scholars have written about the role of cannabis as a sacrament in the ancient Near East and Middle East. Archeological evidence
Ten years ago, most cannabis consumers couldn’t tell a terpene from a cannabinoid. But today things are different. Cannabis flower is categorized
Special glands protruding from cannabis flowers express a series of unique molecules. Cannabinoids, as they are known, exist in cannabis. But it
Recently I was chatting with a friend who is casually interested in psychedelic science. He told me he hadn’t read as much
This transcript is adapted from CannMed’s weekly podcast, hosted by Ben Amirault, who recently interviewed Bonni Goldstein, MD, one of the country’s
In 2013, Noriko Shinjyo, Ph.D., a Research Associate at Chiba University in Japan, coauthored a study with Italian scientist Vincenzo Di Marzo
Cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2 are the definitive and best-known targets of endogenous and plant-derived cannabinoids, but they’re far from the only
It has long been known that resinous cannabis flower tops are infused with robust therapeutic properties. But there are also pharmacologically active